
2024/08/08【重要】不正注文に関する対応につきまして(Measures Regarding Fraudulent Orders)

1.クレジットカード決済、代金引換決済を取りやめ、 銀行振込による前払いへの変更をお願い致します。

2.ご連絡は必ず、「メール」にてお送りします。 迷惑メールにメールが届く場合もございます。


お客様にはご不便をお掛けする場合もございますが、 何卒、不正注文の撲滅にご協力の程よろしくお願いいたします。


Measures Regarding Fraudulent Orders

Recently, there has been an increase in malicious orders, such as fraudulent credit card use and refusal to accept cash-on-delivery shipments. To prevent these issues, we will take the following actions for orders suspected of fraud: Credit Card and Cash-on-Delivery Payment Changes We request that you switch to prepayment via bank transfer. After making the payment, please reply to the payment method change notification with the name used at the time of the transfer. This information will be necessary for payment verification. Communication All communication will be sent via email. Emails may sometimes end up in spam folders, so please ensure that you register a correct email address and allow emails from our company. Order Cancellation If payment is not received by the deadline, the order will be canceled as a suspected fraudulent order. In cases of suspected fraud, we will block access from the connecting IP address. For orders judged to have malicious intent, we may provide information to the police. We have already received reports from our payment processing company indicating a high likelihood of fraudulent credit card use with certain orders. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we appreciate your cooperation in combating fraudulent orders. Please note that the determination of fraudulent use is outsourced to the payment processing company, and we are unable to provide details on the criteria used for these judgments.
